When starting a new business marketing is extremely important in order to get your business out there and recognised, particularly if you are operating in a competitive industry. Your marketing needs to be unique (be prepared to take risks to help you stand out) and it should tell the story of your brand. Although we’re living in a digital age, traditional marketing functions are still just as important as using digital formats which is something you need to consider when choosing your marketing materials.
Brochures: Brochures are useful to have particularly if you are at a trade show or a business conference. It should contain all the information that someone would want to know about your business, such as the story of your brand and what you’re offering. Make sure you include contact information or a QR code to add an element of interactivity.
Posters: Posters are good marketing materials if you are trying to promote you brand locally- you could ask shops to display your posters in their window to draw in customers from existing businesses.
Logo: This is arguably one of the most important pieces of marketing material as the logo is the face of your brand. The logo is the first thing that people will see and can ultimately decide whether someone will interact with your business.
Social Media Graphics: Social media graphics include Instagram posts, Facebook posts, Twitter posts, Tik Toks, LinkedIn posts and so on. You should ensure that the graphics you use are consistent across all social media platforms to create continuity. By ensuring you have consistency across all platforms is will make it easier for people to recognise your business and branding.
Online Ads: Online ads are important in terms of your digital marketing materials. They are visual and can be displayed in various ways across different channels. It is best to use online ads if you’re holding a promotion and you can either integrate them organically through a post on social media or through a paid promotion tool. To make your ads stand out make them eye catching to prevent people from scrolling past your ad.
Remember the importance of marketing, particularly if you are a small business. You want to stand out from competition and find your space in the market to earn those loyal customers!
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